8-11 November 2022, Hall B7 – Stand 166 – Key Energy

Also this year Riello Solartech will participate in Key Energy!

Everything will take place in the Rimini (Italy) exhibition center, from 8 to 11 November 2022, and we will be in Hall B7 – Stand 166 waiting for you with our solutions that promote the transition to a zero-emission economy.
We will also have some news for you! Do not miss!
Key Energy – The Renewable Energy Expo, is the reference event for the energy transition and the smart city, which involves the sectors of renewable energy, storage systems, energy efficiency, urban regeneration, sustainable mobility, lighting and smart grid.

Here are the themes of the event:

  • Renewable energies (wind, solar & storage, hydrogen, hydroelectric)
  • Storage and solutions for distributed electricity generation
  • Energy efficiency in buildings and industrial processes
  • Sustainable City: digital, electric and circular
  • Sustainable mobility (electric & sharing mobility)

You will have a rich program of conferences and meetings to explore all the areas touched by the event.

We could not miss it and we will be there to present you some of our most innovative and requested products on the energy market.

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